The future of workforce

The report looks at responses from more than 18,500 people who shared their views on the options for consultation either online, or by post. It also analyses feedback from thousands of other people that took part in focus groups, a telephone survey or made their views known through written submissions or petitions.

“No-one needs to worry about future employment, we need more staff not less to deliver the future plans for Dorset healthcare. What we need is the best possible staff and more of them.”

Ron Shields, Chief Executive, Dorset HealthCare university NHS Foundation Trust – Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“We will be involving all of our staff in the development of new services that will be implemented going forward. The reason for engaging them is so that they are more in control of the future and also involved and heavily engaged in designing exciting roles, different roles that they are going to want to undertake. By doing this we will strengthen our ability to retain staff in the Dorset system.”
Patricia Miller, Chief Executive , Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Chair – Dorset Workforce Board

“As a senior clinician specialising in older people’s care, I believe the Dorset Clinical Services Review offers an exciting opportunity for the region’s front-line health and social care staff to work together to design and provide a better service that we know our patients and their families need and deserve.”

Dr Naomi Fox Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Lead, Medicine for the Elderly, Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust