Bringing care closer to home
We believe that we can significantly reduce the number of people attending hospital by delivering more care closer to home. This means supporting people in community settings such as their own homes, making more services available in local communities, having health and social care working closely together to support people, better integrating physical and mental health services and developing community hubs across the county.
“Honestly I couldn’t go back and wouldn’t want to go back to what we had before – I wouldn’t accept it.”
What is a community hub?
Often care professionals and teams can work independently, which means information on patients may not be shared in an efficient or timely way, possibly leading to delays in receiving care or opportunities missed for interventions. Working as part of a community hub or multi-disciplinary team means that teams collaborate and specialists work together on the same site for the benefit of the patient; they could sit in the same room and share their knowledge to help solve problems or streamline the care that people receive. It also means that a greater number of patients could be seen, making waiting times shorter.
Examples of community hubs
Christchurch Health Hub
Christchurch Health Hub is made up of Christchurch Hospital, (which includes x-ray, blood and therapy services), a doctors’ surgery, pharmacy, care home and assisted living accommodation. Together, these services provide the Christchurch community with all their non-acute care needs, saving them the journey into Royal Bournemouth Hospital or Poole Hospital. Having the health hub within the locality of Christchurch provides a convenient means of accessing healthcare in a friendly and familiar environment. It’s easy to get to via public transport and allows healthcare professionals to support their patients outside of an inpatient facility, which is better for patients’ independence and overall health.