With only a few days to go we are now nearing the end of the Mental Health Acute Care Pathway public consultation period. We have spoken to over 500 people at the 15 drop in events held across Dorset during February and March.
Elaine Hurll, Senior Commissioning Manager for Mental Health at Dorset CCG said:
“The drop-in events have been a huge success. It has given members of the public a chance to have their say and discuss on a one to one basis the issues that they faced in their contact with mental health services previously. It allowed members of the public who use our mental health services to voice their concerns in a way they haven’t been able to previously.
We’ve had support at the events from members of staff at Dorset CCG and Dorset Health Care and Dorset Mental Health Forum and it has been wonderful to have a wide range of informed staff to be able to talk to members of the public, we feel this allowed for meaningful conversations throughout the consultation.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your views and interest in the review and we are looking forward to seeing the results from the consultation as we aim to improve mental health services for Dorset.”
It’s not too late to have your say. The questionnaire will be available online until midnight Friday 31 March 2017. We would like to encourage anyone who hasn’t already completed a consultation questionnaire to please go to the website, take a look at the proposals and have your say.
For the latest information follow us on social media twitter.com/DorsetCCG or Facebook.com/NHSDorsetCCG.